There is a lot of strong energy around us all right now.

Hola! from a sunny & vibrant Cartagena, Colombia. I'm here living one of my dreams of studying Spanish. Yay!
How are you? How has it happened so quickly, that we are mid way thru October! There are lots of strong energies around us all right now. Personally, I have been resting, retreating, sending out as much love as I can & I'm enjoying the inspirational guidance I'm receiving.
Eclipses are here. I believe they shake us up. Additionally New Moon energies are always stronger when combined with an Eclipse.
Overall this Libra New Moon energy will motivate us to inspire us to find balance in all areas of our lives. Have a look at what areas of your life are draining you & taking too much of your precious energy & resources. The Solar Eclipse is giving us an energetic push to identify these areas. Then when you are ready, make the changes to allow for a more balanced, happier life.
To help, I am happy to write that the monthly Sunday Online Integrated Energy Therapy Healings and Meditations are back starting 29th October. These events are deeply relaxing & healing. It is a really good way to end your week & prepare for the new one. Sign me up!
People start Life Coaching for many reasons. To manifest their dreams, increase confidence & find peace, for relationships, starting &/or improving their business, to gain clarity & navigate what's next for them in life & to increase their joy.
I have lots of clients right now who are reaping the benefits from their sessions with me. If you feel you could to, then contact me for an initial chat & consultation. This is your time, what are you waiting for? Say YES to empowering yourself, expansion & living your dream life. I'm ready!
If your Soul is craving some winter sunshine, join me in breathtaking Costa Rica for my next Yoga & Wellbeing Retreat. The benefits of a retreat last long after it's finished and it is a gift of self care you will never forget or regret. I guarantee you will leave with new wisdom in your heart, a refreshed inspiration for living Your Best Life Now & so much more!
Please take it easy over the next couple of weeks. The Lunar Eclipse is with us on the 31st October. Do prioritise yourself & feel good about doing so. You may have all sorts of emotions come & go & that's okay. Take note of any dreams or repetitive thoughts good & bad as they may be guidance from your heart & Soul. Trust your heart knows the way.
Love & Light
Carla xx